Hi ..Happy 2008..

As the new year is here.. Why to keep my blog with just a forwarded mail..

Lets write something on my own too.. to have a good beginning..
Today while coming to office (after 4 days of vacation
:-)) I was talking a lot to myself.. that.. I will be like this..I wont do that.. and bla bla.. you know…those typical new year resolution kindda things..

I really enjoy talking to myself.. because here I don’t have to explain why am like how I am ( hehehhehe.. now that’s sounds pretty simple..right ?) and the good thing is that we both understand each other ( hahahaha.. that may sound complicated.. the talking one me and the listening one me )

So I talked about what I should and what I shouldn't do…. it was like what to be and what not to be ( ho ho ho ho..again twisting a good dialogue) ..however I know.. I am going to be the same old pradeepsinghhbti as I am. You know..its so difficult to improve over perfection :-)

So guys .. don’t think to much.. just enjoy each mili second.. no confusion about anything.. just do it.. and follow your heart..

And yes.. TARE ZAMEN PE is a really must watch movie .. go watch it!!

Have a blasting start of the year!!

All the best!!

1 comment:

  1. Talking to ownself is like playing Football alone...U can freely move in the playground(of ur thoughts)...U twist, U turn, U dribble the way U want to..and Whenever U feel like U ScorE the GOAL(Conclusion, U know)...

    Our Best listener resides inside us..So enjoy talking urself but dont forget U R PLAYING ALONE.. :-)
