better way to search Trains : Its google again

जीं हाँ भाईओ और सखियों !! एक बार पुनः गूगल देवता ने अपना नया चमत्कार दिखाया॥ google analytic and google map has made search for trains super fast. बस एक बार try करिये । ये अद्भुत पेज आपको मिनटों मे आपकी ट्रेन के बारे मे सब कुछ बता देगा॥ I really appreciate the way everything is organised. You can see it yourself.. i dont need to say anything. So whenever you want to know status, route (with map) and running status, no need to go to the slow on thats or , just go to and its all there. :-)
हालांकि ये भी अपनी सूचना इन्ही सब वेबसाइट्स से देता है। but its really very quick!!
हाँ॥ लेकिन अगर आपको टिकेट बुक करना है तो आपको पे ही जाना पड़ेगा! :-)
तो अब देर किस बात की॥ न कोई इंतजार ... न कोई ad.. just info about your train!!
तो एक बार फिर बोलो॥ गूगल बाबा की जय !

1 comment:

  1. hey guys i found a new railways website … check out the Indian Railways Passenger Reservation Enquiry Website

    i think its even better than the official one .

    i found the site neat, cool and fast to use …
    check it out urself ..
