The Life particle

The Life is an active force. It is not passive like gravity and electromagnetic field. It gives us choice, ability to think and consciousness.
    This "activeness" and choice is required to enable life to propagate itself in future. As all forces of physics are following their basic natural attributes, life also has a natural instinct, which is, to exist, to survive, to adapt, to propagate and go on. It tries all possibilities and take a suitable form to adapt in that environment. Once our earth had life, it reached down there in volcanoes at thousands degree temperature and even at poles at sub zero temperature and even at the ocean bed and everywhere it can be in whichever form. We don't know the origin of life but neither do we know about the origin mass of the matter!
    Just like we are hunting for higgs boson, which gives mass to the matter, there may be some dark matter like element, which we can't see or detect, which makes a difference between living and dead, which may be the life particle, which is even more important than so called God particle. Because we don't know whether there is a God or not, but we certainly know there is life, just like there is matter and the dark matter. The quest for life will go on, it is in all of us and yet is so illusive. This real world is made of things which are so surreal, the solid mass is made of hollow atoms and the living things are made of non-living things. Who says there is no universal theory of the world, the life itself is the Grand Unified Theory of the Universe.

Note: I am NOT talking about the life particle mentioned in the so called The Secret or law of attraction which I do not believe at all. They anyway take that only in context of humans, not as life in general. That's unscientific and bullshit! I am talking about all life in general, be it a microbe or a whale or a tree or us. I just checked on google if anyone has used this term before and its just a coincidence that the term is same.

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