There is one religion which tells that people are different and those who dont follow your God are not good. and their is this other which says that we are all one. Which one shall I choose?
We all originated from forests of Africa so we are compatriot in the sense that even after taking American citizenship, an NRI is called Indian American.
We all evolved from the same unicellular protozoans and thus all species are one.
We all share same electron protons and neutrons and are thus build by same material hence are inherently same.
What a unifying experience science is. It is all about what is naturally there. Its pure and not limited some man made rules. It does not discriminate between man and among, between different cast, color, creed, race, species or anything. It has no man made limits. It is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. Its thus the most divine. Science is at a much higher plane than religion.
Many times science is misrepresented as anti-nature. But that's only when we put out greed or stupidity before it. Science is all about nature. We are supposed to live together in harmony, taking care of everyone's need, even when in this cycle (like food chain) one is fed by one above it but in the end thats makes the whole life possible on earth. Had it not been a cycle but a singular chain, as we are making of most of things using our unnatural and unsustainable linear exploitative methods, we would end up killing us all (like killing the hen for all golden eggs) . We are exploiting the resources with out giving anything back. We ate most of fish making many species extinct , polluted all rivers and consumed most of the oil and still think that we are going to survive this way. Life and Nature has its own survival instinct and if we don't align ourself to this cycle, its a matter of time when the world with end. But that would only end this greedy humanity and not the world. It wil come back but may be we might end up doing a permamnet damage to it.
We are in a unique position , we are the only life in so called advance form in this universe. Even if there is some life , its not near, not within many thousands light years. So we are the only hope of taking this miracle of evolution, called humanity, further. or as like other species that went extinct, we would also be one failed attempt of nature to create a species that can carry life further so that when after millions of years later when our sun is no longer able to support life, we have advanced enough to spread in other part of the universe. who knows this is the first time the life has advanced so much , at least not in this galaxy. we should not be in so hurry to kill ourself. Life is so hard to kill. Its instinct to exist and go on will keep doing something and we better move in that direction instead of our self destructive methodology of killing nature.
So coming back to religion, the religion that unifies all, that teaches all to love and take care of each other and every species and everything on the planet, that is in conformity with nature, is true religion. and that is the religion of science. The statements like "my country is best or my religion is best" are like the statement like "my home the sweetest or my dad is the best". Of course we all love our family and home but we don't hate or look with disdain other people and still make friends and other relations. We are not confined to just our house. We need to have wider vision. Its ok if you don't love the other country or people as much as yours but don't hate that just because its not yours. Everyone is someone's father, mother brother or sister. So no one can go start hating others.
The rigidity of a religion kills the very spirit it is supposed to exist, the dignity of human life..and not just human but of every living being . Any philosophy or thought that brings rigidity is destined to rot with time.
Now coming to Atheism. Atheism is not anti-theism, its just absence of dogma but not rejecting the utility of religion! Its like just going back to the basics. Religion originated with culture, the nature way of living and respecting nature. But then it turned into scripture and become rigid..and now....when we are trying to understand it again...instead of blindly following the dogma..we are getting closer to the "righter" or "purer" and "rational" form of religion. Religion was supposed to be the "means" for having a good life...but some selfish people turned it the other way round and people got confused and we started "living" (mostly dying and killing) for religion (that too in the name of God) and made it an "end" rather than "means". This means-end reversal can be corrected with atheism 2.0
The rigidity of a religion kills the very spirit it is supposed to exist, the dignity of human life..and not just human but of every living being . Any philosophy or thought that brings rigidity is destined to rot with time.
Now coming to Atheism. Atheism is not anti-theism, its just absence of dogma but not rejecting the utility of religion! Its like just going back to the basics. Religion originated with culture, the nature way of living and respecting nature. But then it turned into scripture and become rigid..and now....when we are trying to understand it again...instead of blindly following the dogma..we are getting closer to the "righter" or "purer" and "rational" form of religion. Religion was supposed to be the "means" for having a good life...but some selfish people turned it the other way round and people got confused and we started "living" (mostly dying and killing) for religion (that too in the name of God) and made it an "end" rather than "means". This means-end reversal can be corrected with atheism 2.0
But its really difficult to take away religion from society, as pure rationalism is colorless for a common man. Culture and art fill life into it. Very simple example, its difficult to follow the advice of a doctor to avoid junk food or do exercise...but people walk miles on pilgrimage and stay hungry for days for religious festivals. People donate billions in religious institutions but otherwise a common man is not so generous. Religion is not a thing to reject but to reform. We need faith and religion and we want a God to be there for us..even if we are atheist and our God is not a deity but a force inside subatomic particles.
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