RTI (Right To Information) is the historical instrument that has empowered the common man to ask for what he deserves from the government for the tax he pays. I want to talk about two factors that will enable its proper utilization.
- Increasing awareness about RTI in common man specifically in professionals of middle class
- Encourages govt. officials to positively take RTI applications and rewarding them for positive work
First of all, in common man, there is a feeling of mistrust and helplessness about the government. The ‘janta’ do not trust the public officials and is so sure about that they won’t do anything that they don’t even think about using tools like RTI. This feeling can be taken care by citing the success stories of RTI. Our intelligential and working middle class of doctors, engineers, teachers etc is so busy in its own world that they have alienated from rest of the world and also developed a feeling of helplessness. Firstly most of them do not vote so they think they won’t be heard by the govt. anyway and secondly they want to do something for society but don’t know how. They are also frustrated about idleness of municipalities and other govt. authorities, be it passport office or RTO. Once they realise he power of RTI, they can earn accountability from the public administration. People in software industry should use their online communities to popularise RTI and also provide information about its usage and importance. The HR officials should take initiatives in this regard as an employee will be happier if he is free from the burden of problems related to public authorities and also he would feel happier for being able to do something for the society.
Second point is that the RTI is taken as a pain or burden by government officials and of course they are to be blamed for their unscrupulousness. But here if we take a cooperative and persuasive approach, we can expect more positive responses from them. This way we won’t overburden them and also will not make them curse RTI. Even there should be some reward for a good work. One can send a letter of thanks of flowers for a major goal achieved.
I hope people will use this effectively. I have many success stories to share. One of my friends Agraj made his village hospital and Aaganbadi people work properly with the help of RTI. There are revolutionary changes brought about with the helpof RTI. Let not go this great initiative of the govt. in vain. Corrupt bureaucrats and politicians are trying hard to weaken it and if we don’t use it effectively, they may succeed in curtailing the only power the common man has after vote.