RTI : bringing accountability in the Government

We are all used to of two things about Indian political system and Bureaucracy: "chalta hai" and "kuchh nahi ho sakta" . By these two we all accept them as they are. We dream of an accountable and honest system but don't bother how it will come!! Right to Information Act 2005 is one of the biggest achievement of a government and people of India. Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS) deserve a big applause for its effort.
Now BIG problem is that people don't know about it. The good things is that address of all public information officers are available online. So here we all ..people of internet word..who care a lot about the world but feel helpless against the system can make a big difference . in RTI you can send application about any thing happening ( or not happening) anywhere in india. You don't need to even tell the reason. So if a particular got office is not working properly, you can ask them why..or can even visit their office to see how they work. RTI is properly utilized have empowered citizen.
So now we all should start a RTI campaign. Whenever you see a problem, right an application and send it. This is bare minimum we all can do..and here is how to do it:

1. Find out the address of PIO from internet or directly from the office against which you want to send RTI Application
2. Write application on a plain paper with all the questions and information you want to seek.
3. provide your complete address and contact number on the application.
4. Get a Indian Postal Order of Rs 10 from any post office and make it payable to the account officer of that organisation. Check the website or inquire in the office directly. Otherwise just write
"Account officer," e.g. Account officer, Department of Heath & Family welfare".
5. keep a copy of application and IPO number with you.
6. send the application only by registered post of speed post . Keep safely the receipt of your post. Do not send by normal post of courier.
If you submit application personally, take receiving on its copy with stamp of that office.

Withing 1-2 week you will see action on this. And if you dont get anything in a month complaint about that PIO to appellate authority.
You will find all the required information here

you can also join

I would say just start sending RTI to all places you see corruption , unaccountability or harassment of public. If a good officer is transferred, send an RTI application with question why he/she got transferred. If a bad officer is still not handled, send a RTI asking why. If there are path-holes in your road, send RTI to municipality asking why. Just go on..wake up.and ask..why Public Department dont work for public. Just start it.. believe me...you will see the change!!