AM PM confusion in train timings in India, Indian Railway website

This topic might seem very trivial in first glance but is a serious problem in India. We Indians have a mentality of day timing according to God Sun with sunrise and sunset. So the 24 hr clock creates lot of confusion there. We are used to of 12 Hr timings where 5 AM to 5 PM is day and 6 PM till next morning is night. And thats where the problem is.. as after 11:59 of midnight.. next day starts .. where we are in mindset of the night of the same day. I am putting this in blog because recently two of my friends missed there trains that were scheduled at 1:00 AM. That was the very early morning ( i.e. night of the previous day) but it was confused with the night of same day. Alas!! Even with a recent incident I let my 2nd friend do that .. (height of idiotism and ignorance) .
For example if train is scheduled to depart at 1:20 AM of 7th November, you need to get at station at the night of 6th November.
However, it's never too late. So I am sharing this with all. Be very very careful whenever you book a railway ticket and your train is at midnight or say between 00:00 to 04:00 hours. (As luckily for us 5 AM is morning of same day :-).
Always check detailed train schedule from or to avoid any confusion.
Some websites for Indian Railway
Main website:
Here are some tips to use this website of Indian Railway:
1. first click on Train between imp.stations :
2. If your city is not here, try other link at the bottom of the page TrainsBetween Stations :
You can explore more to get more options
3. online booking:
TIP: Try booking from your mobile, but not from mobile application but from the browsers like opera mini in desktop version, not mobile version. it will be faster. ;) 
More websites:
quick search:
running status:
If you dont like the GUI, try this html address and just update date and train number
Good luck and happy journey for all travellers!!
Posted By Pradeep to pradeep singh's blog at 11/13/2007 03:08:00 PM better way to search Trains : Its google again

जीं हाँ भाईओ और सखियों !! एक बार पुनः गूगल देवता ने अपना नया चमत्कार दिखाया॥ google analytic and google map has made search for trains super fast. बस एक बार try करिये । ये अद्भुत पेज आपको मिनटों मे आपकी ट्रेन के बारे मे सब कुछ बता देगा॥ I really appreciate the way everything is organised. You can see it yourself.. i dont need to say anything. So whenever you want to know status, route (with map) and running status, no need to go to the slow on thats or , just go to and its all there. :-)
हालांकि ये भी अपनी सूचना इन्ही सब वेबसाइट्स से देता है। but its really very quick!!
हाँ॥ लेकिन अगर आपको टिकेट बुक करना है तो आपको पे ही जाना पड़ेगा! :-)
तो अब देर किस बात की॥ न कोई इंतजार ... न कोई ad.. just info about your train!!
तो एक बार फिर बोलो॥ गूगल बाबा की जय !